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How to automate Hubspot CRM and Subscription Management?

Better catch how to use subscription management software and avoid blockers on your SaaS business with Younium-HubSpot integration

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Over the past years, we have heard about the pain points of the subscription businesses we work with and we have advanced all our work to solve them.

  • Missing prospects/customers.
  • Fragmented data between your CRM and subscription management system.
  • Manual field mapping.
  • Non-customizable fields.
  • No control over your subscription pricing
  • Discrepancy in what sales are quoting to prospect vs your offering and the end subscription.

Our HubSpot connector solves those pain points, you will now have peace of mind in subscription data management.


Tie your HubSpot Account with your Younium Account👇

Blue Professional Organization Chart Graph-3

Have full control over your sales process and integrate your HubSpot CRM with your Younium account.


See companies/deals/prospects/contacts that are on your HubSpot account lifecycle on your Younium account.

Skeleton view-1-1

2-way Sync

Younium also sents back insight on the account in Younium to HubSpot like key metrics👇

  • CMRR
  • EMRR
  • TCV


What you can do with Younium HubSpot Connector?

  • Easily create a new quote section at HubSpot that redirects you to your Younium Account.

  • Edit your quote, add products, discounts, terms, and other fields.

  • See the quote contract value amount at your HubSpot deal from the associated Younium quote.

  • Preview the PDF version of your quote, download your quote, send it in an email from Younium, or start an e-sign process straight from the Younium quote.

  • Real-time info about the subscription, invoices, and metrics of the customer.

  • Continuous sync of customer data between the systems, including HubSpot ID, addresses, other customer information, and custom field.

What to do for having full control over your sales process?

  • Have a Younium account.
  • Install the Younium app to your Hubspot account.
  • You’re ready to go!


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